The Board of Management of St. James’s Primary School is setting out in this Statement the policy of the school, in regard to enrolment and admission of children to the school, in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act, 1998.
The Board trusts that this statement of policy will be of assistance to parents and guardians in relation to enrolment and admission matters.
The Board also wishes to state that the Chairman and the Principal of the school will be willing to clarify any matters arising from this policy statement.
- Brothers or sisters of present pupils
- Children of parents who previously attended the school
- Children in the immediate catchment area of Dublin 8
- Children in the extended catchment of Dublin 12
- Children who are 4 years of age by the 1stJuly of the year they are enrolling.
- The date of application may be a determining factor.
St. James’s Primary School Admission Policy welcomes all pupils for whom the school can provide an appropriate education. As a general principle, and in so far as practicable having regard to the school’s enrolment policy, children will be enrolled on application, provided that there is space available. The Board will have regard for any relevant DES guidelines in relation to class size or staffing provisions andf or any other relevant requirements concerning accommodation, such as physical space or the health and welfare of children.
(a) Application for Admission
Application for enrolment in the school is made by completing the school’s application form and returning it to the school office. In the event that the applications for enrolment exceed or are expected to exceed the number of places available, places in the school will be allocated in the following order:
(b) Enrolment
Except in exceptional circumstances, children will be enrolled on application.
(c) Enrolment of Children with Special Needs
While recognising and fully supporting parents’ rights to have a school of their choice for their children, the school’s ability to accept children with particular needs is dependent on the supply of resources suitable to the needs of the individual student being supplied by the Department of Education and Science. The B.O.M. needs to be aware of any special needs as early as possible so that these needs can be assessed and addressed if possible.
The Board of Management will request a copy of the child’s medical and/or psychological report, or where such a report is not available, the Board will request that the child be assessed immediately. This is to assist the school in establishing the educational and training needs of the child relevant to his/her disability or special needs and to profile the support services required.
On receipt of the report, the Board will assess how the school could meet the needs specified in the report.
It may be necessary to decide to defer enrolment pending the receipt of an assessment report and/or the provision of appropriate resources by the DES to meet the needs specified in the report.
Where the Board deems that further resources are required, it will, prior to enrolment, request the DES to provide the resources required to meet the needs of the child as outlined in the psychological or medical report.
The school will meet with the parents of the child to discuss the child’s needs and the school’s suitability or capability in meeting those needs.
As soon as is practicable, the B.O.M. shall make a decision and inform the parents in writing thereof.
(d) Pupils Transferring
The school will make every reasonable effort to facilitate a pupil seeking a transfer to our school. The B.O.M. will decide whether or not a transfer:
- is in agreement with the school’s Admissions Policy
- is in the best interest of the pupil
- is in the best interest of the school
- is of educational benefit to the pupil.
The Education Welfare Act (2000) requires that information concerning the attendance and the child’s educational progress be communicated between schools.
(e) The Right of Appeal
Parents or guardians have the right to appeal a refusal by the Board to admit their child. The Board’s decision will be given in writing and the reason for the refusal will be clearly stated. The parents or guardians will be informed of their right to appeal the decision and will be supplied with the Appeals
Application Form (Circular 22/02). .
The appeal will be made to the General Secretary, Appeals, Administration Unit, Department of Education and Science Marlboro Street, Dublin I, on the relevant form. The school must be informed in writing of the decision to appeal.
(f) Documentation
When applying for admission of their child to the school, parents or guardians are welcome to read the following documentation:
- The Admissions Policy Statement of the school
- A copy of the Code of Behaviour of the school
- The standard Application Form of the school
Parents and guardians should note that the school has adopted policy statements in other areas of interest and concern towards the best running of the school and the maximum development of the pupils. These policy statements can be assessed in the school office on request.
They include:
- The Health and Safety Statement
- The Anti-bullying Statement
- The School Plan
- School Drugs Policy
- Fire Safety Policy
- Anti Racist Policy
This Document states the Admission Policy of our school at the present time. It may, however, be subject to adjustments and changes in the future. Such changes and adjustments will be contained in an updated version of the School’s Admissions Policy.