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Aladdin Connect

As a school we are going to upgrade to Aladdin Connect over the next few weeks. A letter has been sent home today explaining what is involved. The letter is below for anyone who would like to follow the links:

Dear Parent/Guardian,

Our school is delighted to announce that we will shortly roll out the Aladdin Schools Connect to parents/guardians of children in our classes.  

The school uses the Aladdin Schools software service for administrative purposes and Connect will give you secure access to messages from the school and to details of your child’s attendance, test results, reports cards etc  via secure login from your internet browser or Aladdin Connect App.

Aladdin Connect is a fantastic way to enhance a school’s communication with parents. It enables parents to stay connected and informed about their child’s education. 

You can rest reassured that Aladdin Schools uses state-of-the-art security to safeguard information entered by the school and data is stored and processed in strict compliance with Irish and European data protection laws.

In the next few days, you will receive a text/email message containing your registration link. In preparation for this please let the school know if your email address or phone number has changed recently.

For further assistance please go to https://aladdin.ie/files/pdf/ParentSignUp.pdf to see the Parent Connect signup process.  There will be one link per parent. Please do not forward this text/email or share this link as this is a unique registration link for each parent for your child/children in this school. 

Please note: If there are any personal concerns, or legal provisions in place regarding giving access to Connect to any parent/guardian of your child please contact myself or Ms Dodrill HSCL in confidence to discuss or restrict access as required.

We hope that you enjoy using Aladdin Connect. For more information please visit https://www.aladdin.ie/connect_app_faqs.html

These links and a copy of this letter can be found on our school website.

Your class teacher, the secretary or myself will welcome any feedback or questions you may have.
Yours sincerely,


Samba Drumming with Ms Breen’s 5th Class

Monday the 1st of March


Welcome back!

Welcome back everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely week off and that you are all keeping well and safe.

This morning we start back on Seesaw. We would encourage you to get involved as much as you can. If you weren’t engaging as much as you could before the midterm break, use this as an opportunity to start fresh and get back on track.

There has been a lot of talk in the media about schools reopening over the next few weeks. We have not been told anything official yet but be assured we will let you know as soon as guidelines are issued to us.

Looking forward to lots of engagement online over the next few weeks,

Best wishes,

Mr Cronin


Mid-Term Break

Before we switch off from Online Learning for the next week I would like to say some thank yous. Firstly I would like to thank our wonderful pupils for logging on to Seesaw for the last few weeks and engaging in online learning so well. It has not been easy for you but we are all so impressed with how you have stuck with it and kept at it during these difficult times.

Secondly, I would like to thank our wonderful parents who have taken on the huge task of helping your child navigate online learning. While it is not an ideal solution it is the safest solution we have at the moment so thank you for helping your child get online and for giving them a gentle nudge in the right direction.

Finally I would like to thank the teachers and SNAs in our school who have adapted so well to online learning. It has been a steep learning curve for everyone involved and I think as a school community we have all done so well over the last few weeks.

Over the next week I would encourage children to try and spend less time on screens if possible and explore other skills or hobbies that they might have. Most of all I want you all to stay safe so we will all be back in school when it is safe to do so.

Have a lovely week off,

Best wishes,

Mr Cronin

11th of January 2021

January 2021 Covid letter

11th of January, 2021.

Dear families,

With the news that schools are going to be closed for another while, we are anxious that we need to continue with teaching and learning in St. James’s Primary School. We also want to keep the connection between home and school. This pack aims to let you know how we will be interacting with you and your child(ren) for the coming weeks.


Seesaw is the app that we will use for school work. Your children will be familiar with it. Each day your child’s teacher will assign 3 tasks for your child. There will be descriptions and tutorials included to make the learning as independent as possible for your child. Your child’s login details were sent out earlier in the school year. If you have misplaced the password, please contact the school by emailing: info@saintjamessps.com

When your child is doing their Seesaw activities, it is important that they take their time and only respond to the activity in the way that the teacher has asked.


Your child’s teacher may organise Zoom video calls with the class or groups within the class. These will be pre-arranged and the teacher will email you with the arrangements. The purpose of these calls is to check in with the pupils and to create the social links which are very important to children. Before Zoom calls take place, please ensure you have read the following guidelines.

  1. Set up the device in a quiet space with no distractions or family members in the background.
  2. Join the class with your microphone muted.
  3. Raise your hand before speaking, just like you would do in class.
  4. Kind words to be spoken at all times.
  5. Speak in your normal speaking voice. No shouting.
  6. Listen to and respect others when they are speaking.

How do I contact the class teacher?

As we will not be in the school building, you can contact the class teacher on their school email addresses below. Please be patient with regards to responses. Our teaching staff will be working during normal school hours, but this may change due to the family commitments of teachers and staff also. The class teacher may also contact you through email or by phone.

When will the children’s work be available?

The work will be posted from 9.30am onwards. There is no time limit on the lessons to allow the family flexibility, particularly where parents may be working from home and where there are multiple pupils in one household. We hope that the children would be able to engage in some way each day.

How could I organise the day for my child?

The best thing you can do is set up a routine from the beginning and stick to it. A normal school day sticks to routines and the children would adapt to a set routine. Involve them in deciding the timetable for the day. Below is a sample of a routine:

9am Exercise: Before any home learning gets done, it’s a good idea to get in some exercise either inside or within the close range of your home.
9.30 Some school work: Children can start some of the work left for them on Seesaw. It’s best to start with maths, English or Irish.
10.30 Break Time: It’s important to take a break. Make sure to have a snack and to try and get outside for some fresh air.
10.45 Some school work: Children could swap the device and the other can start some of the work left for them on Seesaw. It’s best to start with maths, English or Irish.
11.30 Watch something educational on TV or arts and crafts or read a book. RTE Home School Hub will be back again this week.
12.30 Lunch Time: It’s important to eat their lunch. They should try and get outside if they can too.
1.15 Finish off the work on Seesaw: Get the remaining work finished and check over the work to make sure you have gotten everything done.
2.30 Relax for the evening or log onto some of the suggested websites the school sent out.

I don’t have enough devices for all of my children!

Please don’t worry. The children can login at different times during the day so maybe they could share the device around. Older children can even get involved with helping their younger siblings. If you are having issues with devices, please contact us as soon as possible.

Will the school office be open?

The school office will not be operating with normal times for the next few weeks. The best mode of communication is through the school email address info@saintjamessps.com

Any other questions?

If you have any other questions or have any personal circumstances that we may need to know about, please contact us. Similarly, if you are in need of materials (pencil, pen, paper etc.) or are having any other difficulties, please get in contact. We want all children to access education during this time. You can contact me through the school email address at info@saintjamessps.com  you can also contact Ms Dodrill our Home School Community Liaison at hscl@saintjamessps.com


We all have our own personal circumstances which can impact on our wellbeing during this time. First and foremost, look after yourself and your families. The same message has been relayed to the staff. This is going to be a difficult time for everyone, involving long days, early mornings and late nights. The best thing we can do is keep the lines of communication open as much as possible and set expectations for ourselves which are achievable and realistic. All we can all do is try our best and give it our best shot.


Best wishes and take care

Mr Cronin


Junior Infants juniorinfants@saintjamessps.com
Senior Infants seniorinfants@saintjamessps.com
1st Class 1stclass@saintjamessps.com
2nd Class 2ndclass@saintjamessps.com
3rd Class 3rdclass@saintjamessps.com
4th Class 4thclass@saintjamessps.com
5th Class 5thclass@saintjamessps.com
6th Class 6thclass@saintjamessps.com
Ms Murrin’s Class msmurrinsclass@saintjamessps.com



Further Suggested Activities

*Marks activities that could be done independently by your child.


Reading ·       Read to your child often and discuss the pictures/text

·       *Engage with audio books for your child to listen to

·       *Encourage your child to read, read, read!

·       Challenge: Finish as many books as you can over the few weeks.

·       Set up a book club with their friends virtually

·       Sing nursery rhymes

·       *Summarise the book/story, predict an alternative ending to a book.


Remember to get your child to read to themselves, read to another person or be read to. Anytime of the day! – Any book they have at home.

There are loads of sites out there with online books. Some include:

Animated books and/or read out loud: https://bookflix.digital.scholastic.com/home?authCtx=U.794217314

Reading books for all levels: https://rivet.area120.com/read/#/libraryScreen

Listen to books read aloud: https://stories.audible.com/start-listen


Writing ·       Build up the muscles in your child’s hand by using scissors, helping with jobs around the home, playing with play-doh

·       *Encourage your child to keep a daily diary for handwriting

·       *Encourage your child to create books of their own

·       *Allow your child to write letter, notes, emails to their friends

·       Encourage your child to do the shopping lists

·       Writing recipes

·       *Writing letters to friends/family/making penpals

·       *Creative Narrative story


Helpful online resources

Support for schools affected by Coronavirus


https://www.vooks.com/ (animated story books)

https://www.storynory.com/ Great website for audio story


Number ·       Allow your child to count objects

·       Encourage your child to help adding the shopping bill

·       *Encourage your child to engage with online maths games rather than other computer games

·       *Sudoku puzzles in newspapers


Shapes ·       Go on a shape hunt

·       Look at items around the home to identify shapes in the environment and examine the properties


Money ·       Encourage your child to use money and calculate change


Measures ·       Are you doing some DIY? Allow your child to get involved with measuring

·       Do some baking and allow your child to measure the ingredients

·       Track your height

·       Walk as many steps as you can (Keep track)


Time ·       Learn to tell the time

·       Use a calendar to mark off the days until school starts



Helpful online resources







Speaking and listening ·       *Encourage your child to watch cartoons on TG4 rather than other channels



Other activities that your child could engage with:


– Wellbeing booklet

– *Artwork

– *Creating video tutorials

– Photography

– Learn how to make your own lunch/bed

– Complete a project on an interesting topic

Life Skills: Allow your child the opportunity to do chores, make food, dress beds etc. Develop their independence skills.


School Pumpkin Parade

Here at St. James’s P.S we are busy get ready for our School Pumpkin Parade!

All this week our families have been carving pumpkins for our pumpkin parade on Friday. There are some very scary pumpkins making their way to school!

Don’t forget to bring yours too!


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What happens if your child is unwell in school.

Welcome to our blue room!

When your child is unwell in school they are taken to the blue room while they wait for an adult to come and collect them. These are guidelines that were given to every school in the country by the Department of Education and Skills.

These are pictures to show your child so they know what will happen if they get sick:






What snake am I on?

Below is the list of what class lines up on what snake and at what time. We have painted dots on the snakes one metre apart for children to stand on.

Please remember that siblings come to school at the same time as the eldest sibling. Junior and Senior Infants finish at 1.25pm. Siblings from 1st Class up can leave at the same time as the eldest sibling.


Start: 8.45am

Home time: 1.25pm

Red – Junior Infants, Ms. Kealy *

Dark Blue – Junior Infants, Ms. Feehily *

Yellow – Senior Infants, Ms. Flannery

Light Blue – Senior Infants, Ms. Tobin

*For the first week Junior Infants will be in from 10am-12pm.


Start: 9.00

Home time: 2.10pm

Red – 1st Class, Ms. Fisher

Dark Blue – 1st Class, Ms. Bell

Yellow – 2nd Class, Ms. Gallagher

Light Blue – 2nd Class, Ms. Hurley


Start: 9.15am

Home time: 2.20pm

Red – 3rd Class, Ms. Atkinson

Dark Blue – 3rd Class, Ms Clarke

Yellow – 4th Class, Ms. Shackleton

Light Blue – 4th Class, Ms. O’ Neill


Start: 9.30am

Home time: 2.30pm


Red – 5th Class, Ms. Breen

Dark Blue – 5th Class, Mr. Cushen

Yellow – 6th Class, Ms. Larkin

Light Blue – 6th Class, Ms. Dodrill

We would ask that parents DO NOT cross the double red line or enter the school. Don’t forget to wear a mask when dropping and collecting your child from school. Please also read the following if you have not already.

Return to school

What will our school look like?

The staff of Saint James’s Primary School have been working extremely hard this past week to get the school ready for the return of our wonderful pupils. We hope that you can show this post to your son or daughter to show them what school will look like when they return!

Coming to school in the morning time:


Firstly, we have painted these lovely snakes on the ground for our children to line up on. You have been sent a text with what time and what colour your child needs to line up on. We would ask that parents DO NOT cross the red line in the picture. There will be teachers there if you have any messages to pass on but for now no parents will be allowed to enter the school without making an appointment.

                                 Entering the school:


As you can see inside the school looks a little bit different. Natasha and Pauline’s desk has perspex on it and the floors now have tape and arrows to show you which direction to walk. We will all stay on the left when going to and coming from class.

Entering your classroom:


There is now a hand sanitiser station at the entrance to every class and toilet in the school. Pupils will be asked to sanitise their hands when entering and leaving each area. This is extremely important and everyone will need to be very patient to make sure everyone can clean their hands.

                                  What classrooms will look like:

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We have organised each classroom into “pods”. A “pod” is a group that a child will sit with. We have made sure that where possible each pod is one metre away from the next pod. We will also ask children to stay inside the yellow tape and not to share anything with children in other pods.


                       Other things you might see around the school:

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These stickers will also be around the school. They are reminders to keep our distance from each other and to stay as safe as possible.

We are really looking forward to our pupils coming back on Monday the 7th and we hope that these pictures will help calm any nerves or fears that any pupils may have. It will be the same school just a little bit different as we all want to keep safe.