Posts bymrcronin
Christmas Carol Singing
The school choir have been extra busy this year bringing lovely Christmas Carols all over Dublin!
The choir have performed in various places but most notably raising money for the school in Marks and Spencers in Dundrum Shopping Centre as well as the Black Santa Charity Fundraiser outside St. Anne’s Church on Dawson Street.
Well done to the choir who can now take a well deserved break from performing over their two weeks off!
Nativity Play 2016
On Wednesday the 14th of December, Ms. Mahon and Ms. Ryan’s 1st Classes took to the stage under the directorship of Mrs. Barrer to perform the Nativity Play. The boys and girls put on an absolutely fantastic show and they all looked lovely in their costumes.
They were also joined by the school choir and children playing percussion instruments who all sounded fantastic!
Maths Quiz
On the 28th of October a Maths Quiz was organised for 3rd to 6th Class for Maths Week. The boys and girls really enjoyed themselves and there was lots of prizes given out to the winners!
Thanks to Ms. Kealy and Ms. Waters for organising it.
Halloween Assembly 2017
On the morning of October the 28th the boys and girls were joined by parents and family for our Halloween Assembly.
Pupils of the Term certificates were awarded as well as attendance awards for the students that haven’t missed a day since September.
The costumes were absolutely fantastic!
First Aid Kits sponsored by Haven Pharmacy
The boys and girls of St. James’s Primary School are very grateful to the Haven Pharmacy on James’s Street.
The pharmacy has kindly donated brand new First Aid Kits to the school as well as a new set of gumshields for our football teams.
Many thanks to Haven Pharmacy!
Mindfulness World Record, St. Patrick’s Hospital
On the 10th of October 2016, boys and girls from 5th and 6th Class took part in a world record attempt for the most amount of people doing mindfulness together at the same time. They had to be at the school gate for 6.30 a.m!!
This was televised by TV3 and they were joined by people attempting the same record in Cork and Galway.
They had a fantastic morning and even got to meet Liam Ó Maonlaí from the Hot House Flowers and Adam Clayton from U2.
Scholarships to St. James’s CBS Secondary School
On Tuesday the 10th of May, some lucky students from 6th Class were brought over to St. James’s CBS Secondary School. They attended a ceremony because they were the lucky recipients of various scholarships to the school. Congratulations to everybody involved!
Santa visits St. James’s Primary School
Santa took time out of his busy schedule to visit all the boys and girls in school today.
Take a look at his list and check it twice to see if your name is on it!!!