We had a Water Action Day on Monday 10th March. Everyone in the school took part. They designed posters, made pledges, coloured, sang songs and had a quiz. All the children now know loads of ways to save water at home. They will be turning off the tap when brushing their teeth and they won’t leave taps running any more.
Getting ready for Water Action Day. Making a poster of the water cycle.
As part of National Spring Clean week we will be having a spring clean on Wednesday 27th March. This will be just ahead of our Open Day, to spruce things up. Any parents that are interested in helping out can tell the front desk and they’ll let Ms Mahon know. This would be very much appreciated. Teams from each class will get a chance to join in.
Taking care of our school
As Spring is the time of growth, we decided to do a little planting! We learnt all about how plants grow and what they need to survive. After this, we got some plastic cups, compost, sunflower seeds and water and planted our very own Sunflowers.
We will look after them every day and hopefully the sun will shine enough to make them big and strong!
Take a look at our beautiful St.Brigid’s Day pictures we coloured. We thank St.Brigid for Spring Time.
Run run as fast as you can you can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread Man… We learnt about the story of The Gingerbread Man. For Golden time we decided to make our own. We were afraid the Gingerbread Men would hop out of the oven and escape!! We made sure we ate them straight away!
Ms. McGoey helped us with our recipe and brought in an electric mixer. We had great fun using it.
We learnt new words-Recipe, Ingredients, Mixture, Electric Mixer, Dough, Timer.
We really enjoyed baking and hope to do it again soon.
We are delighted that it is finally Spring Time! Lets hope the weather gets better! In the meantime we painted beautiful daffodils in hopes that the weather will improve! See our paintings…